Home Environmental Modeling & Computational Mass Spectrometry (EMCMS) This is the official website of the EMCMS group led by Dr. Saer Samanipour

Advanced Chemometrics and Statistics

Course Information

In this course the mathematical theory of univariate and multivariate statistics (e.g. PLS-DA, Random Forrest classification, and Hierarchical Clustering) as well as modelling (e.g. PCA and MCR-ALS) and optimization will be discussed. A suite of statistical tools, from data pre-processing to multivariate modeling strategies, will be discussed during the lectures. The students will be encouraged to generate their own implementations of the learnt statistical tools in a high-level programming language such as Julia language.

Moreover, students will learn how setup data exploration and analysis workflows through a course long project, which will result in individual reports.

This course is coordinated by Dr. Samanipour and consists of 11 lectures and tutorials and will take place during period five (i.e. April-May). For additional information, please get in touch via s.samanipour@uva.nl

Course info

Course Github page


Additional Study Material